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EPALE - Eiropas pieaugušo mācīšanās elektroniskā platforma



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Pievienojiet savu organizāciju EPALE partneru meklēšanas sadaļā, izveidojiet profilu un informējiet citus par to, ka meklējat sadarbības partnerus Eiropā.

Padoms. Lai palīdzētu citiem jūs atrast, pievienojiet pēc iespējas plašāku informāciju par savu organizāciju un aktivitātēm, kurās iesaistāties.

Vai esat organizācijas daļa?

Reģistrējot savu organizāciju EPALE, Jums būs iespējams veikt partneru meklēšanu un iepazīstināt ar sevi.

Atrodiet jaunāko informāciju par to, kā ES veicina pieaugušo mācīšanās politiku

Applied Filters

Cork ETB is a driving force of education and training in Cork, providing high quality services which are innovative, responsive and inclusive. Through Cork ETB there is a pathway for every learner.
Profile picture for user gerbrennan.
Gerald Brennan
The student experience in CEC is unrivalled. At Cork English College we work with students from a wide range of diverse backgrounds, and we are passionate about ensuring our students have the best possible experience in both their studies and personal development. In CEC your ...
Profile picture for user n00efanp.
Rob Nagle
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
WWETB provides a comprehensive range of education and training services throughout Waterford and Wexford and is the largest education and training provider across both counties. In FET - including Adult Education - Bridging and Foundation Training, Community Education, Communi...
Profile picture for user n002eqzg.
Paul Fallon
We are a group of fellow language lovers interested in meeting up with like minded people 
peter kelly
Future Cast is an Innovation, Education, and R&D centre focussed on the Construction and Quarrying industries. We work with companies in these sectors and throughout their manufacturing supply chains on projects to increase the adoption of advanced technology and processes...
Profile picture for user Future Cast.
Mary Whitney