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EPALE - Eiropas pieaugušo mācīšanās elektroniskā platforma



EU Open Data Days - Shaping our future with open data

Profile picture for user Maya Slavova.
Maya Slavova

Online from Luxembourg to the world: The Publications Office of the European Union is organising the first EU Open Data Days


Data is a key asset for digital transformation. It is a building material for research and innovation,  personalised products and services, powerful new technologies and better decision-making. These translate into solutions to societal challenges that can improve and even save people’s lives, as the current pandemic demonstrates. Open data is also freely available to generate value through reuse. 

This unique online event will serve as a knowledge hub, bringing the benefits of open data and its reuse to the EU public sector, and through it to people and businesses. Get inspired and discover the latest trends and most innovative solutions.

Although registration has now closed, you can join the event from the programme, clicking the 'JOIN' button below.

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