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EPALE - Eiropas pieaugušo mācīšanās elektroniskā platforma

20 Mar

Improve your competences as a volunteer manager/coordinators!

Attālinātais pasākums

This web clinic happens in the context of the project "Volunteering Management Expedition (VolExpo)", a project that aims to improve the methodological competences of volunteer managers and coordinators (both paid and unpaid) by collecting methods and tools that correspond to their skills needs from at least 9 European countries.

In this web clinic, volunteer coordinators will come together to discuss the tools they use in their organizations and the tools the project has identified as valuable to manage and supervise volunteers.

This event will take place on March 20 at 10.30 CET. The participation is free! 

To watch this web clinic live, you can use this link:



Event Details
As planned
Pasākuma veids
Profesionālās pilnveides pasākums
ES projekta Nr.
Organizatora veids
Cits notikums
Organiser name
Opintokeskus Sivis ()

Partners: The University of Humanities and Economics in Łodz), Poland (AHE); Cooperazione Paesi Emergenti, Italy (C.O.P.E.); Foundation for Society, Latvia; Aspect-Management and intercultural relations, Bulgaria; The European Centre for Socio-professional Integration ACTA), Romania; Innovation and Social Development Institute of Barcelos, Portugal; Büyük Ortadoğu Sağlık ve Eğitim Vakfı, Turkey (BOSEV); The Foundation of Knowledge (Hungary)

Kerigma is a partner organization in this project and if you have any questions or doubts, you can send us an email to
Mērķa grupa
Pieaugušo izglītības tīkli un organizācijas
Projekti un sadarbība
The VolExpo project is expected to produce the following results:
- Increased use of existing tools for volunteer management.
- Volunteer managers'/coordinators' increased knowledge of these tools and increasing competence to use them in their tasks.
- Increased networking opportunities for volunteer managers.
- Improved volunteering experience for volunteers (adult learners)
Dalības maksa


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