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EPALE - Eiropas pieaugušo mācīšanās elektroniskā platforma

Izmantotie filtri

8 Jūl

The one-week intensive course is an exciting journey into the world of improvisation and theatre, where teachers can explore their individual inner creativity and imagination. The activities we will try together on the course can be used in any classroom. They will help students use the language they are learning in creative and innovative ways. And they will boost their confidence not only in the classroom, but also in their future professional and social careers.

8 Jūl

How to teach advanced students

Slovakia,  Bratislava

What do you do with your students when they reach B2+/C1? Most of them have already gone through all the grammar, probably more than once, and they have a number of textbooks on their shelves that would do credit to any school library. This course will show you how to use authentic source materials and modern techniques to prepare engaging lessons for advanced learners of any language.

15 Jūl

Green skills at European level

Slovakia,  Bratislava

This one-week intensive course for teachers provides a comprehensive look at the complex balance of ecosystems, the impact of human activities, and the urgency of conserving natural resources.

15 Jūl


France,  Caen

The idea is not to train in acting but to be able to offer a group of children and young people activities around the theatre.

29 Jūl

The Bridge Re-boot Camp is a teacher training program focused on coaching skills. It will give you information, techniques and suggestions on how to use coaching, facilitation and mentoring practices in your work and beyond. The week-long programme in the beautiful surroundings of the Zagejova includes morning yoga, evenings by the fire and free time for self-reflection and recharging. A safe environment full of trust and empathy awaits you.