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„Epale“ - elektroninė suaugusiųjų mokymosi platforma Europoje

National Support Services - Greece



    State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) was founded in 1951 aiming to offer young scientists grants for post-graduate studies, abroad and within Greece, in order to broaden their horizons, utilize their skills and offer better services to the society. IKY has a long history in contributing to the promotion of education, science, language and civilization, as well as in their emergence in contemporary society within international requirements.

    In the framework of its activities, as a State Scholarships Agency, it designs, promotes and implements every year an amplitude of scholarship programmes, both in Greece and abroad. Through these programmes Greek citizens, foreigners of Greek origin, people of different nationalities, pupils, students, scientists, researchers and artists receive grants in order to acquire higher diplomas in Greece or abroad and to stand out scientifically and professionally.

    Since 1987, IKY bears the responsibility of administration, co-ordination, implementation and dissemination of European Union Programmes for Education (1987 Erasmus, 1990 Lingua, 1995-1999 Socrates I, 2000-2006 Socrates II-Lifelong Learning Programme 2007-2013).

    Continuing this tradition, in 2014 IKY was appointed as National Agency for the new European Union Erasmus+ Programme.

    Since 1996, IKY implements scholarship programmes funded by the Operational Programme for Education and Initial Vocational Training (ΕΠΕΑΕΚ) as well as the European Social Fund (ΕΚΤ). These programmes focus on the encouragement of the Greek scientific community to deal with cardinal fields of science and technology. The Foundation also collaborates with European Associations (Academic Cooperation Association – ACA, Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst-DAAD, European Space Agency-ESA) for the common development of programmes enhancing research mobility as well as policies in the field of international co-operation

    The EPALE-NSS Greece aims to contribute to the general objectives set by EPALE that of becoming the online home of a lively transnational community of adult learning stakeholders in Europe in order to:

    • promote regular communication among adult learning stakeholders
    • promote and facilitate their professional development
    • facilitate the creation and sharing of resources
    • support strategies and activities to increase adult participation in learning

    National communication and engagement strategies specific aims to:

    • Promote the EPALE platform in Greece
    • Engage as many users as possible
    • Encourage users to become fully active

    Target groups: adult education providers, policy-makers, researchers, teacher trainers, associations for adult learning, media.

    Main activities:

    • Enrich the EPALE platform with the national developments
    • Run a national user survey to ensure that the NSS’s activities take fully into account the needs of users
    • Calls for content by users
    • Denominate EPALE Ambassadors
    • Identify, train and encourage stakeholders to promote the use of EPALE
    • Online or offline communication activities (newsletter, production of one video, leaflet, infographics, use of social media accounts)
    • Publications in media
    • Propose new ideas and initiatives as well as suggestions for topics/discussions themes at EPALE and within the adult education community.

    Geormary Fragkoulopoulou is the Project Coordinator. She is responsible for the coordination, cooperation and communication amongst the stakeholders and partners of the platform and the day to day management of the work of the EPALE GR NSS.

    You can contact any member of the team by phone on +00302103726349 or by email at

    Responsible institution is the General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning, Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs.

    Adult learning national stakeholder organizations which provide lifelong learning are:

    • Second Chance Schools
    • Vocational Training Schools
    • Vocational Training Institutes
    • Life Long Learning Centres
    • Higher Education Institutions (KEDIVIM)
    • The Hellenic Open University

    Other Lifelong Learning providers: lifelong learning programmes may be offered by agents, legal entities of any type, which operate in a national, regional or local level. They are recognised as agents providing informal education to citizens and are registered in the relevant General Secretariat for Lifelong Learning and Youth. Such entities are the following:

    • Bodies providing general (formal and informal) adult education services, which may be social, religious or cultural bodies.
    • Bodies offering counselling services and/or vocational orientation services.
    • The Employment Promotion Centres (KPA), to the extent that they provide lifelong counselling services and vocational orientation.
    • Regional and Municipal departmental units responsible for Lifelong Learning
    • Bodies of the public and the extended public sector which provide informal education to the manpower of the public and the extended public sector, like the National Centre for Public Administration and Local Government (EKDDA) and other professional associations and chambers, like the Institute for Small Businesses of the General Confederation of Professionals, Craftsmen and Merchants (IME-GSEBEE), and others.
    • Bodies set up by the tertiary union trade organisations of employees and employers and the tertiary union trade organisation of civil servants. Such bodies are, for example, the Centre for Education Policy Development of the General Confederation of Greek Workers (KANEP-GSEE).

    The certification of qualifications concerns the certification of output; that is, the results of non-formal education, as well as informal learning. In co-operation with the labour market as for the priorities which need to be set, and in connection with the certification of input, EOPPEP:

    • shapes the regulatory framework for the recognition and certification of qualifications acquired through non-formal education and informal learning
    • certifies specific qualifications and
    • authorises independent bodies which certify qualifications identified on the basis of the needs and priorities of the labour market.
