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National Support Services - Bosnia and Herzegovina



    The Agency for Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education is an independent administrative organization in the area of pre-primary, primary and secondary education, established at the level of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

    The Agency is responsible for setting up learning standards, evaluating learning achievements, developing common core curricula in pre-primary, primary and secondary education and further competent works concerning learning standards and evaluation of education quality as defined by special laws and other regulations.

    Vision: Good quality of the pre-primary, primary and secondary education and lifelong learning and competitive education of Bosnia and Herzegovina at the international level.

    Mision: To promote the quality of pre-primary, primary and secondary education and competitiveness of Bosnia and Herzegovina education systems at the  international level through developing common core curricula, establishing learning standards, monitoring and evaluating learning achievements, developing adult education and lifelong learning, and participating in the development of the qualification framework.

    Values: The Agency cherishes and promotes the following values: credibility, professionalism, cooperation, partnership, openness, transparency, and lifelong learning.

    In accordance with the Law on the Agency for Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education (Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina No. 88/07) and the Decision of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the start of work and establishing the seat of the Agency for Pre-Primary, Primary and Secondary Education (‘Official Gazette BiH’, No.8/08), the Agency has its seat in Mostar and two regional units respectively located in Sarajevo and Banja Luka.

    The Unit in Mostar is working on development of a Common Core Curriculum, Sarajevo Unit is developing Standards of Knowledge and Learning Achievements and the Banja Luka Unit is working on the development of Vocational Education and Training, Adult Education and Lifelong Learning.

    Siniša Gatarić- Project Manager


    Daria Mršić Project Administrator and content manager


    Biljana Popović - Administrative Officer


    Dušan Sarajlić - Researcher


    Slavko Karan - Technical Support Officer


    Dragan Pinjuh -  Technical Support Officer 



    Maja Antić, MA in International Relations and Diplomacy 


    Tamara Beronja, MA in English Language and Literature


    Ivana Aleksić, MA in English Language and Literature

    +387 36 329 908