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EPALE - Piattaforma elettronica per l'Apprendimento permanente in Europa



The Junior Achievement Company International Fair Vet4scape Erasmus + Project


The "Danube Delta" Economics College has been involved in the Erasmus + strategic partnership project  - entitled "Vocational Educational Training for Skills, Competence and Practice for Economy", number: 2017-1 - AT01 - KA219-035010_7.

The project takes place in the interval 1.09.2017 - 28.02.2019.

The following activities were carried out  during the project:

  • 13 - 16 November 2017 - the first transnational meeting - in Ljubljana, Slovenia;
  • 25.02 - 3.03. 2018 - The first mobility with students, held in Vidin, Bulgaria;
  • 11.- 17.04.2018 - The second mobility, in Barreiro, Portugal;
  • 4 -8.09. 2018 - The last transnational meeting, in Levice, Slovakia;
  • 9 - 15.12.2018 - The third mobility, in Ceske Budejovice, the Czech Republic,

 This was the last of the planned activities.

The students who took part in it were  Robert Ionut Badea,  Andrei Spanoae (both in the 11th grade) and  Cristian Petre (in the 12th grade). They were accompanied by two teachers: Raluca Andronic - as an English teacher, and  Florentina Ifrim - as the project coordinator.

During this last mobility, one of the successful events was the Junior Achievement International Fair, where ChocoDelta - the JA Company of The Danube Delta Economics College - proudly displayed the ChocoDelta homemade chocolate bars. Both students and teachers who participated at the fair enjoyed and appreciated our homemade chocolate.

The other companies from the other countries presented and sold the following products/services:

  • The Portuguese team with  the Wider World J.A. Company presented a hat designed for visually impaired people.
  • Bulgaria marketed special postcards, including Christmas postcards.
  • Dream Mugs from Slovenia sold mugs filled with various sweets specific to winter holidays.
  • Austria, represented by Hak-Lan J.A., promoted the activities of other mini-companies on a blog; they are also in charge of the VET4SCAPE project magazine.
  • Unique J.A. Company from Slovakia marketed the "relaxing socks" intended to be sold in pedicure salon.
  • The Czech Republic, with Zordune J.A., presented a calendar for 2019, containing photographs of the company members.

Each stall/ stand was visited  by all the participants of the fair who appreciated everything that was on display. They seemed undecided as to what to choose to buy since they liked all the products and services presented there.

This international fair proved to be a real success and it boosted everyone's confidence that one day they would be able to become  actual entrepreneurs!


Project coordinator, Florentina Ifrim

”Danube Delta”Economics College

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