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EPALE - Piattaforma elettronica per l'Apprendimento permanente in Europa


E-learning course: Fate of microplastics in the environment

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Alenka Dermol

The fifth course in a series of 5 courses, developed within the Erasmus+ funded project “Microplastics – tomorrow’s macro problem”.

The course provides excellent material in the field of microplastics, which was contributed mainly by project partners. Various teachers from Slovenia and Italy who actively participated in the project also contributed parts of the material.

Project partners Dermol svetovanje d.o.o. from Litija – Slovenia, the Faculty of Environmental Protection from Velenje – Slovenia, and the NGO CSIG from Taranto in Italy have joined forces to raise awareness of microplastics among young people, teachers and educational institutions.

The course is available here:


Check out for more courses, developed within project “Microplastics – tomorrow’s macro problem”:

E-classroom: From macroplastics to microplastics

E-learning course: Microplastics in the households

E-learning course: Microplastics in urban environments

- E-learning course: Waste plastic: problem or opportunity?


Alenka Dermol from Dermol svetovanje deals with digital business solutions: she organizes online events, creates various e-classrooms, and enjoys the technical aspects of connecting online systems. She has a BSc in electrical engineering and an MSc in entrepreneurship from the University of Ljubljana.

Resource Details
E-learning course: Fate of microplastics in the environment.
Autore della risorsa
MicPlaPROB Erasmus+ Project
Tipo di risorsa
Risorse didattiche aperte
Data di pubblicazione
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