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EPALE - Piattaforma elettronica per l'Apprendimento permanente in Europa

Event Details

13 Apr

EKT FINAL CONFERENCE "Smart Technologies for Innovation in Teacher Training"

Evento da remoto

Launching event of the main results of the European EKT Alliance which will be made available to the educational community at the end of the project (April). EKT Focuses on improving the quality of Initial Teacher Education and providing support during in-school placement by developìng e-learning methodologies and solutions that:

  1. promote dynamics of coordinated work between university and non-university teachers who supervise and accompany the student teachers during their internships.
  2. Allow the individualized follow-up of student teachers in practice and their formative assessment.
  3. Encourage self-learning and reflective thinking that the future teacher must develop during their teaching practice

The EKT Smartt system (e-learning platform and methodology) has been developed and will be presented at the final conference together with the results of the experimentation and workshops to demonstrate its functionalities, which can be followed by streamimg or on site.

We invite all interested parties to participate: teacher training agents, e-learning companies and providers, teachers of all educational levels, educational researchers, management teams of initial and continuing teacher training centers, education policy makers, etc.

Event Details
As planned
Sito web dell'evento
Progetto UE n.
REF 612414-EPP-1-2019-1-ES -EPPKA2-KA
Online type
Tipo di organizzatore
Evento NSS
Hybrid event
Organiser name
Carmen Fernandez Morante
Entrance fee
free registration. attendance certified.
Registration capacity
streaming (unlimited). Presencial 250
Numero di delegati
> 200
Gruppo di destinazione
Docenti universitari, studenti, ricercatori nel campo dell’andragogia
Reti e organizzazioni dell'apprendimento degli adulti
Progetti e partenariati
Responsabili delle politiche
Professionisti dei media
Scopi e obiettivi
To learn about the characteristics of the EKT project, the work developed and the main results obtained.

To know and interact with the EKT intelligent system (training methodology and platform).

To transfer the results of the EKT project to European educational institutions and agents.

Establish contact with the EKT consortium integrated by technological and pedagogical profiles and establish new synergies and collaborations.

Translated with (free version)
Risultati di apprendimento previsti
Practical skills in using the methodology and the EKT platform (student teachers, teachers, in school placement mentors, ISP coordinators, ITE Centres and teams, Centers and agents for continuing teacher education

Knowledge about initial teacher training and internships in Europe. Results of needs research conducted

Knowledge on development and use of interoperable educational technology applications, learning analytics, eportfolio, LMS, educational apps.

Recognition / certification of participation
Those interested in participating must register at the following link and attend the conference in person or virtually. At the end of the conference a personal certificate of participation will be issued and sent by e-mail.
registration link:
Quota di partecipazione

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Ultime discussioni

Jenny Santi

Turismo ecosostenibile e accessibile

Sono state pubblicate le linee guida sul turismo ecosostenibile ed accessibile. La guida riporta diverse best practices a livello italiano e europeo. Mi farebbe piacere ricevere informazioni su ulteriori progetti in atto (su turismo eco-sostenibile e accessibile, inclusione lavorativa di persone con disabilità nelle professioni legate al turismo) per avere un quadro sempre aggiornato di progetti di successo che possano ispirare scelte delle amministrazioni locali e di imprenditori

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Giulio Di Filippo

Key Action 2 Erasmus Plus partenariati di cooperazione

Mi farebbe piacere un confronto con altri project manager o con presidenti di associazioni no profit che intendono presentare una candidatura per la Azione Chiave 2 allo scopo di collaborare insieme.

Profile picture for user grigolos.
Sabrina Grigolo

La salute come bene comune e non solo come diritto individuale.