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EPALE - Piattaforma elettronica per l'Apprendimento permanente in Europa

Event Details

26 Ott

Call for participants! KA1 - Excellence Education on Active Learning through Internationalisation


Excellence Training in Málaga, STA MA.

Click for more information:

This course has been created for teachers, school managers and international projects coordinators who want to learn more about managing and encouraging the participation of students through active methodologies combined with internationalisation.


  • Become aware of the key issues related to innovation in education and school leadership, within the context of the active methodologies and the internationalisation;
  • Understand the importance of the connection between the counselling department and the international one in order to give the students all the tools they need to develop their competencies;
  • Understand and explore different and innovative methods and tools to foster school leadership and innovation through internationalisation;
  • Foster the collaboration, partnership and exchange of experiences and ideas between European schools, teachers and school professionals.


Day 1:

  • Welcome!
  • Sharing our European Development Plans.

Day 2:

  • Connecting vocational skills to internationalisation. How to involve students in international projects.
  • Learning through challenges in a multinational environment. Malaga Business Bootcamp.

Day 3:

  • Connecting counselling and international department. The key role of international department for counselling.
  • EU Structured Dialogue with Young People: How it works.

Day 4:

  • Combining Formal and Non Formal Education in Educational Institutions. The advantages of mobility projects in all the educational levels.

Day 5:

  • Design thinking and innovation management in an international framework.
  • Networking.

The course is addressed to any staff member of education institutions which is interested in the topics trained, especially teachers, school managers and international project coordinators.

The course is based on formal and non formal education, in order to build an environment that stimulates learning and working activities. We will use the following tools:

  • face-to-face lessons
  • case studies
  • team building activities
  • brain storming and focus groups
  • workshops
  • self- and group assessments and evaluations

After the confirmation and before the mobility, we will check the previous knowledge and experience of participants, as well as their specific needs related to the topics of our training course and its organization, with a questionnaire.

All participants are expected to maintain access and communication with the rest of their colleagues as well as with the trainers and participate in useful discussions via email. Trainers will also be available for any further questions for a period of 2 months after the end of the course through email and Skype calls. By means of all these tools, we aim to get an effective follow-up, to stimulate peer networking, to keep in touch and to share opinions, experiences and practices for unlimited time.

Certificate of attendance and Europass Mobility Certificate upon request.

C.D.P. Santa María de los Ángeles is a vocational, upper secondary and higher education centre organised as a social cooperative aiming to animate, stimulate and support the personal and educational development of students. Our educational Centre follows the guidelines drawn up by the Autonomic Government of Andalusia to ensure the non-discrimination of all individuals. The main principle for all activity in our School is to give the students skills and knowledge that they will need in society and in their further studies. This is achieved by providing good quality standard education, by encouraging individuality and building self-esteem in each pupil and by promoting the physical and mental welfare of these youngsters. Our Educational Centre feels that it is important to use and develop new educational methods and offer the students a wider European and international perspective on their studies.

The training course presented is supported by an international team of experts in different branches of education and training. 

Further information available in an info-package upon application. 

Event Details
As planned
Tipo di evento
Evento di formazione professionale
Tipo di organizzatore
Altro evento
Organiser name
C.D.P. Santa María de Los Ángeles
Informazioni di contatto
Gruppo di destinazione
Docenti universitari, studenti, ricercatori nel campo dell’andragogia
Scopi e obiettivi
-Become aware of the key issues related to innovation in education and school leadership, within the context of the active methodologies and the internationalisation;
-Understand the importance of the connection between the counselling department and the international one in order to give the students all the tools they need to develop their competencies;
-Understand and explore different and innovative methods and tools to foster school leadership and innovation through internationalisation;
-Foster the collaboration, partnership and exchange of experiences and ideas between European schools, teachers and school professionals.
Recognition / certification of participation
Certificate of attendance and Europass Mobility Certificate upon request.
Quota di partecipazione

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