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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


The Third Training Based on the Regional Media Literacy Framework held in Montenegro

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Daria Mršić

Based on the Regional Media Literacy Framework, the third module of a pilot training on "Freedom of Speech and Hate Speech" was held and organised by NSS EPALE Montenegro.

The training was attended by EPALE NSS teams and their selected representatives from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Slovenia. The two-day training was held on June 15 and 16, 2023, in the city of Petrovac. The participants were guided through media literacy topics by experts in the field: Saša Klikovac, a TV editor and host, Svetlana Jovetić Koprivica and Miroslav Minić, media literacy teachers in Montenegro.

The next training will be held in Slovenia, in September this year.


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