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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Turkey Invests in Safer Schooling and Distance Education with the World Bank Support

İhsan Çağatay Ulus
Community Hero (Gold Member).

The World Bank approved today a Euro 143.8 million (US Dollar 160 million equivalent) Safe Schooling And Distance Education Project  loan to the Republic of Turkey to enhance the capacity of the education system to provide e-learning equitably to school-age children during and following the COVID-19 pandemic and future shocks.

“The COVID-19 emergency has proven that online schooling is no longer an alternative but a necessity. We are very happy to support Turkey at this time to improve the reach and resilience of the digital education system,” says Auguste Tano Kouame, World Bank Country Director for Turkey. “The project also intends to accommodate the needs of vulnerable students, such as children and youth from remote areas, low socio-economic backgrounds, disabled, refugee or other non-native Turkish speakers”.

The project will be implemented by the Ministry of National Education (MoNE) and consists of three components:

Emergency Connectivity and IT Infrastructure for Education in Emergencies. This component finances the expansion of the country’s e-learning platform – Digital Education Platform (EBA) – as part of MoNE’s response to COVID-19. The component also supports the development and roll out of a New Digital Education System (NDES) for the future.

Digital Content for Safety and Quality. This component will finance goods, services, consultants, training and small refurbishments to support the distance education content, during the period of school closures due to COVID-19, for a gradual return to classroom-based teaching, and to strengthen blended teaching and learning (classroom-based and on-line).

Institutional Capacity for Education Technology Resilience. This component will strengthen MoNE’s capacity for the coordination, management, monitoring and evaluation of the Project and for the continued delivery of safe and equitable digital education services.

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