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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Event Details

28 nóv

Open Space Europe - What is the Europe we want to live in?


Europe is changing in front of our eyes. Right now is the time to think about the direction of change. What should Europe look like? How should and does it feel to be a European? Join us for a dialogue event and get space and time to explore the topic further.

The process of change is already under way, with makers, activists and citizens from all corners of Europe doing what they believe to be the best ways to build the kind of Europe we all would like to live in. They are driven by their visions and bringing them into action: By bringing refugees and flat-sharing communities together, by building climate-friendly open source products, or by using theatre-based workshops to empower a generation of unemployed young people to believe in themselves and their skills.

We invite you!

We would like to hear all kinds of voices and ideas - including yours! Share your ideas, your dreams, your answers to the emerging European questions of these days. Contribute no matter how small or big. Participate in a journey and start defining another Europe.

Meet 30 European Changemakers, all involved in initiatives like the ones described above, all winners of the idea challenge Advocate Europe ( Meet local residents, people interested in the topic, people willing to share their visions and meet fellow changemakers and activists. Exchange and team up with a group of people with different backgrounds and stories. Together, we will be looking for answers for the question - What is the Europe we want to live in?


Come with an idea or a thought about Europe. Discuss it with like-minded people. By using the methodology of „Open Space" our dialogue is carefully designed to elicit maximum involvement and creativity in a constructive atmosphere. You – the attendees and participants – determine the content and the outcomes. Have in mind "Open Space" will be a space for you to get inspired - you are also invited to arrive with just an open mind, open heart and an interest in the topic.

The dialogue will be held in English. Drinks and snacks will be provided.


Where and when?

Saturday November 28, 2015 18:00 - 21:00

The event takes place at Wasserturm at the train station in Oberhausen, hosted by kitev (Kultur im Turm e.V.).

Willy-Brandt-Platz 1

46045 Oberhausen

Event Details
As planned
Gerð viðburðar
Organiser name
Advocate Europe & Kitev
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EPALE Moderator

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