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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Event Details

17 apr

Leadership Skills Development Training Programme


This 5-day comprehensive leadership skills development training programme is uniquely designed to help leaders and all those working with emerging leaders to better prepare for their challenges & responsibilities by developing the qualities of more productive, authentic, energetic and engaged leadership.

This workshop will combine the latest research on human performance, studies of how the world’s greatest leaders do it and practical exercises in a friendly and supportive environment. This comprehensive leadership skills development training programme aims to drive real and lasting change and improves performance, self-confidence, knowledge and overall satisfaction on the individual and organisational level.

Training Structure

The training programme is structured with a focus on four elements:

  • Leading Self – Helping to change behaviours and move from a feeling of burnout or “treading water” to peak personal performance.
  • Leading Others- Explaining how an effective leader can bring engagement to their team and organisation, enabling to create an environment of peak performance but also happiness and support.
  • Leading Teams - Understanding the conditions for effective team collaboration, smarter goal setting and effective communication.
  • Leading Others - Analysing why we struggle to change and how to go about adapting and changing.

Course Plan

Day 1

  • Exploring Leadership – its styles, domains and development methods.
  • Leadership roles (strategist, change agent, coach, manager, communicator, mentor).
  • What does effectiveness and effective collaborations mean?
  • What factors support or destroy effective collaborations?
  • What does "Leading Self" include?
  • Why is "Leading Self" critical to overall leadership success?

Day 2

  • What is "Emotional Intelligence"?
  • Understanding the relationship between you and others.
  • How managers motivate or demotivate their staff.
  • Empowerment and effective delegation.
  • Practical Outdoor Activity (see below)

Day 3

  • Evaluation and feedback methodologies and tools.
  • Creating factors that enable successful team collaborations.
  • Building and leading teams that feel close and are happy to work together.
  • Why we struggle to change and how to go about adapting and changing.
  • Leadership vs Management.

Day 4

  • Introduction to authentic and embodied leadership.
  • Non-verbal communication.
  • Dealing with and accepting failures and mistakes.
  • Practical Outdoor Activity (see below)

Day 5

  • Practical tools for effective leaders
  • Start with "WHY" – the purpose of the project, organisation or business.
  • "Smarter goals and growth metrics" – what gets measured, gets done.
  • Planning and executing.
  • Strategic planning.
  • Practical Outdoor Activity (see below)

Practical Outdoor Activities

Outdoor activities will take place at local (County Wicklow) sites including:

  • Glendalough, Visitors Centre and a walk in the Wicklow National Park
  • Wicklow Coastal Walk Area
  • Glenmalure Valley
  • Local cultural Centres
Event Details
As planned
Gerð viðburðar
Professional development event
Organiser type
Other event
Organiser name
The Creative Entrepreneurs Academy at the Centre for Creative Practices
Upplýsingar um skipuleggjanda
Telephone: +353 (0)85 8895499
Fjöldi þátttakenda
< 100
Adult learning networks & organisations
Projects & partnerships
Tilgangur og markmið
- A better understanding of the specific tools and methods used to help aspiring leaders to develop their style that creates trust,sets a clear vision & guides their teams.
- Learning tools on how to develop heightened “emotional intelligence” for greater professional achievement, impact and satisfaction.
- Improve leaders’ performance through empowerment and effective delegation.
- Learn techniques how to clearly communicate mission, vision and value statements.
- Create a self-development plan
- Acquisition of innovative, world-class leadership development and support tools along with the insight into the new entrepreneurial training and mentoring methodology.
User-friendly, results-oriented, practical and engaging training in leadership.
- Participants improve both their teaching skills as well as employability.
- Participants learn techniques how to constructively deal with failures and mistakes.
- Participants improve their English language competences.
- Participants expand their professional and personal European network.
- Personal development, building capacities to face new professional and social challenges, reinforcing European cooperation, reflecting and exchanging in a European and global context.
Áætluð hæfniviðmið
To help leaders and those working with emerging leaders to better prepare for their challenges & responsibilities by developing the qualities of more productive, authentic, energetic and engaged leadership.
Recognition / certification of participation
- Europass Mobility Certificate
- Certificate of Obtained Competences
- Certificate of Completion


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EPALE Editor

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