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Lillehammer Lifelong Learning Road Map

Brit Svoen

Lillehammer Lifelong Learning ICDE Conference is an international conference which takes place every fourth year in Lillehammer, Norway.

The theme for the conference is “Lifelong Learning for Lifelong Employability”, and the conference is a unique meeting place where the business and education sectors meet to share knowledge, experiences and to create good solutions for lifelong learning of the future.

This year's conference gathered almost 400 participants from 30 countries. One important outcome,  based on contributions from the many speakers and participants, is an interactive Road Map with recommendations for how to achieve lifelong learning for lifelong employability. This message from Lillehammer is available at

The scope for the conference was that an inclusive and sustainable labour market requires adaptation and new skills, and this need has been further strengthened through the digital and green shift. Not least, the past two years of pandemic have changed the working life for many. We have a society where geographical distances have become less important, and where increased use and acceptance of digital technology has created more flexible workplaces. At the same time, already existing inequalities have exacerbated, and we are facing an increasing digital divide. There is a demand for re-inventing physical and online meeting places for formal and informal learning. Resilient education for the future embraces more than ever not only life-span aspects, but also life-wide, contextual dimensions. This poses also new challenges to our work towards the UN Sustainable Development goals, No. 4 in particular. 

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