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Integrated Approaches to Literacy and Skills Development: Examples of Best Practice in Adult Learning Programmes

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Aleksandra Kozyra

Integrated Approaches to Literacy and Skills Development

The UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning (UIL) has launched a new publication, Integrated Approaches to Literacy and Skills Development: Examples of Best Practice in Adult Learning Programmes. Looking at how literacy, life skills and vocational education and training interlink, the publication is a timely analysis of adult learning programmes globally. From literacy programmes that have been rolled out nationally, to context-specific local initiatives such as workplace or community learning programmes, diverse target groups and approaches are presented. Specific attention is paid to the most pressing issues, such as changing technologies or possible implementation during and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic.

In addition to discussing various case studies, the publication builds a solid ground for defining literacy, skills (foundational and transferable) and VET, with careful explanation of the degree to which they are embedded in adult learning programmes. 

Consult the publication on the website of the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning.


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Integrated Approaches to Literacy and Skills Development.
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Integrated Approaches to Literacy and Skills Development.
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