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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe


The “B-ECO–Start-up Eco Entrepreneurs Project”: many new resources on Eco-entrepreneurship available!

Alessia Bevilacqua

B-ECO-Start-up Eco Entrepreneurs Project is an ErasmusPlus project that aims to help VET trainers teach eco-entrepreneurship in an engaging way through ready-to-use training resources and materials. 

At the same time, the B-ECO project wants to help young people overcome unemployment by introducing them to the eco-entrepreneurship sector and providing them with the skills and knowledge needed to become eco-entrepreneurs and create eco-businesses

The transition to a green economy requires new figures: the green and eco-entrepreneurs, focused on developing entrepreneurship linked to sustainability. Entrepreneurs are an important pillar of the EU economy, and providing them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed is essential. 

Moreover, we need to start thinking about how to optimize the use of resources and regenerate more than we consume, balancing economic growth with environmental protection. That is why we need entrepreneurs who think about entrepreneurship with a greener approach, developing an entrepreneurial mindset towards green and sustainable business that also takes environmental protection into account.

As part of the project, numerous resources and materials have been produced to provide practical management training on eco-entrepreneurship and develop all the skills needed to succeed in entrepreneurship and become top eco-entrepreneurs

By identifying innovative learning methods, the B-ECO results develop important tools, competencies, and skills (based on EntreComp), and help to become innovative and stand out in the market. 

The competencies and skills taught by B-ECO materials are complemented by a learning methodology called “B-ECO Branches”, which blends coaching, mentoring, and action-learning techniques to facilitate group discussion and individual problem-solving, reflection, goal setting, and personal action planning that always include sustainable and ecological aspects.

On the project website, it is possible to find:

  • The Eco-Entrepreneurs Training Course, a training programme consisting of 15 modules with lots of essential knowledge, examples and exercises to become eco-entrepreneurs. Each module explains a specific topic, such as what entrepreneurship is and the characteristics of an entrepreneur; how to start a business idea; what marketing is and its evolution; social media; green management; and much more. 
  • The Didactic Materials for VET Teachersbased on the modules of the Eco-Entrepreneurs Training Course and characterized by an innovative methodology called B-ECO Branches to support VET educators in teaching eco-entrepreneurship topics. These Didactic Materials provide lesson plans, exercises, essential tools, and insights, and have been developed to help teachers effectively engage students and promote their understanding of their role in building a sustainable future through entrepreneurship.
  • The Case Studies Collection “Greatest Hits”, a collection of 30 examples of successful eco-entrepreneurial businesses to inspire and motivate future entrepreneurs.
  • The Social Eco e-Learning Platforman innovative eLearning platform for sharing knowledge and experiences on eco-entrepreneurship. It features all 15 modules of the Training Course with concepts, definitions, PPT presentations, resources, examples, and interactive exercises to test the acquired knowledge. Moreover, each module has an interactive part with the B-ECO Branching Scenarios. Each scenario focuses on a specific topic, such as starting a business idea; marketing; social media; green management; etc., and provides feedback to help become a top eco-entrepreneur. 

All these tools are available in English, Greek, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, and Slovenian, and accessible online or downloadable in PDF format.

Moreover, in-depth articles on eco-entrepreneurship and related topics are available on the project website. Don't miss them!

Resource Details
B-ECO - Start-up Eco Entrepreneurs Project-Results.
Auteur de la ressource
Erasmus Plus Collaborative Partnership of the “B-ECO- Start-up Eco Entrepreneurs Project” (project code: 2021-1-SI01-KA220-VET-000033038).
Type de ressource
Ressources éducatives libres
Langue du document
B-ECO - Start-up Eco Entrepreneurs Project-Results.
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