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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe


Age diversity will define the workforce of the future.

İhsan Çağatay Ulus
Community Hero (Gold Member).

The news "Why Age Diversity Will Define the Workforce of the Future" on the World Economic Forum discusses the critical role of age diversity in shaping future workplaces. It highlights how extended lifespans and delayed retirements are increasing the age range of the workforce. This diversity brings a wide array of skills, experiences, and perspectives, enriching innovation and problem-solving. However, it also presents challenges such as managing health and well-being across different age groups. The article emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, upskilling, and flexible work arrangements to fully leverage the benefits of an age-diverse workforce. Collaboration among employees, employers, and policymakers is essential to create inclusive and supportive work environments

For more details, you can read the full news here.

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Imelda Gaffney
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
lun 10/06/2024 - 21:19

As the diversity of age in the workforce continues to expand, adult learning professionals need to also look at the way in which learning and development opportunities are presented to employees and be creative to ensure a positive and fulfilling learning experience for the employee. Different generations learn in different ways and a broad range of tools and techniques will need to be employed to maximize the learning opportunity for all employees.

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