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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe

Sustainability, STEM, Outdoor education in Early Childhood Education

2 membres
Kidslabs4Sustainabiliyt proejct offer a he new curriculum “STEAM outdoor education for sustainability” along with the guidelines for educators and providing them with innovative didactic materials.

CiE_Gateway- sharing knowledge to build impact bridges

4 membres
Aim is to equip academic staff and educators with practical tools, methodologies and case studies on novel and effective educational models that embrace multidisciplinary collabration and engagement

Theatre TRAILS

3 membres
Theatre fosTeRing Adults' skills and IncLuSion KA210 Project partners platform

Equalling 2.0

2 membres
Equality in Adult Lifelong Learning (Intersectionality and Gender) form an intersectional point of view.

Rozwój wiedzy i samego siebie ponad granicami projekt Erasmus

9 membres
"Rozwój wiedzy i samego siebie ponad granicami" projekt, w którym nauczyciele naszej szkoły wzięli udział w kursach językowych oraz metodycznych w Grecji, Hiszpanii, na Cyprze, Malcie i we Włoszech.

FLAM => New practical framework for developing a language courses methodology targeting adult learners

5 membres
Defining a methodological and practical framework for developing a language courses methodology (adult learners) in a view to questioning our actual practices and confront them with the partners

MAPA – Mapping barriers and target groups for increasing participation in adult education

5 membres
The project has been implemented by the partnership of the Forum for Lifelong Learning (SK) and EDU.IN – Associação para a Educação Integral (PT) supported by the Erasmus+.

Digital Individual Learning Accounts in V4

2 membres
DILA-V4 is an innovative Erasmus+ project aimed to modeling and testing a data system with the help of AI for personalised training funding in transversal/soft skills, for ILA funding schemes.

FL4LF - Food Literacy for Local Food

10 membres
FL4LF logo.
FL4LF project aims to create a community-based learning model that promotes Food Literacy and supports multi-at-risk adults, contributing to social inclusion, sustainable habits and Local Food issues.


7 membres
Purpose of group KA2 project Target audience Bodies providing guidance about learning/careers

Soft skills 2.0 - Erasmus +

15 membres
Logo of the project.
Exchanging ideas about Soft skills linked to work-based training and human ressources management - Soft skills 2.0 Erasmus + project