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EPALE - Euroopa täiskasvanuhariduse veebikeskkond

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Akrediteeritud Erasmus+ koordinaatorid, kes otsivad uusi konsortsiumi liikmeid

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Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)
Ankara Provincial Directorate and Family and Social Services is a local authority founded in 1983. Its tasks are as follow: to develop and to implement policies related to social services and solidarity at the local level, to conduct the social services and the solidarity activities for children, to prevent discrimination against women, to apply every kinds of precautions and solutions fort he disabked and the elderly, to take precautions in order to protect the relatives of martyrs and veterans from the unjust treatment and the deprivation, to arrange the solidarity activies for those who need the protection and social aids, to provide the coordination and the collaboration among other instituitons and NGOs.
Hilal Gürpınar
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
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