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EPALE - Euroopa täiskasvanuhariduse veebikeskkond



Kas tahaksite teha koostööd inimestega kogu Euroopast, kuid teil ei ole veel konkreetset teemat?

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Leia viimane info, kuidas EU edendab täiskasvanuharidust

Applied Filters

Tampere region's Adult Education Centre is Finland's oldest civic college, which offers more than 2,000 courses per year for approximately 15,000 course participants. Our Adult Education Cenrte courses are open to everyone, and they are based on the principle of lifelong learn...
Marianne Laakso
Oulun Seudun Omaishoitajat ry (registered society) helps and gives guidance to informal carers and those who take care of their loved ones regardless of their age or circumstances. We work as a local society in Oulu area and are a member of nationwide Carers Finland -union. ...
Kati Jauhiainen
Founded in Tampere, Finland in 2001, the Pirkanmaa design, arts and crafts association Modus (Pirkanmaan muotoilu- ja taideteollisuusyhdistys Modus ry) has established itself as a nationally renowned and recognised association that promotes professional design, arts and crafts...
Profile picture for user Taina Laaksonen.
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
The Seinäjoki adult education centre is one of the largest in Finland and offers the most diversified selection of hobby and study possibilities in Seinäjoki. We offer wide range of educational programs in the areas of for example music, visual arts, literature, crafts, langua...
Anna Pellikka
Kaukametsän opisto on vapaan sivistystyön oppilaitos.
Alma Smolander