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EPALE - Euroopa täiskasvanuhariduse veebikeskkond



Kas tahaksite teha koostööd inimestega kogu Euroopast, kuid teil ei ole veel konkreetset teemat?

Lisage oma organisatsioon

Lisage oma organisatsioon EPALE partneriotsingusse, et teha end paremini nähtavaks ja teavitada teisi oma soovist osaleda üleeuroopalises koostöös.

Hea nipp! Lisage oma organisatsiooni ja selle tegevuse kohta võimalikult palju teavet, et teistel oleks lihtsam teid leida.

Esindad sa organisatsiooni?

Registreerides oma organisatsiooni EPALE-s, saate ise partneriotsingu kuulutuse teha.

Leia viimane info, kuidas EU edendab täiskasvanuharidust

Applied Filters

The Common Ones is an innovation agency rooted in the circular economy, aiming to diminish inequality through entrepreneurship, green tech, and circular economy initiatives.
Luis Ageitos
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
Interaktivt MedieCenter is a private company who works in 2 business fields:Multimedia, (including spatial video and ambisonics audio) and e-learning / Blended learning.
VUC is an adult education in Denmark.
Carsten Bjerg
HF & VUC Klar is an accredited secondary and adult school. Our students range in age from 16 to 60.
Profile picture for user Susanne Laugesen.
Susanne Laugesen
voluntary association that works to create inclusion, integration and cultural diversity for people moved from all over the world to Denmark.
claudia virenfeldt
Mentornetvaerk in Esbjerg / Varde is a voluntary association that works to create inclusion, integration and cultural diversity for people moved from all over the world to Denmark
claudia virenfeldt