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EPALE - Euroopa täiskasvanuhariduse veebikeskkond



Kas tahaksite teha koostööd inimestega kogu Euroopast, kuid teil ei ole veel konkreetset teemat?

Lisage oma organisatsioon

Lisage oma organisatsioon EPALE partneriotsingusse, et teha end paremini nähtavaks ja teavitada teisi oma soovist osaleda üleeuroopalises koostöös.

Hea nipp! Lisage oma organisatsiooni ja selle tegevuse kohta võimalikult palju teavet, et teistel oleks lihtsam teid leida.

Applied Filters

We are a vocational school located in a small town in the countryside in France. We are near the ocean and have beautiful landscapes. Our students are between 15 and 20 years old and realise work placements with elderly people, children or disabled people.
Céline Bodin
The French Red Cross Training Institute (Croix-Rouge Compétence) in Occitanie offers a range of courses in the health and social sectors at different levels of education : higher education (nurses, social service assistants), vocational education (nursing assistants, childcare...
Bureau des Relations Internationales
Eyyübiye Halk Eğitim Merkezi, yaklaşık 420 000 nüfuslu alanda Yetişkin Eğitim Alanında Genel Mesleki ve Teknik Kurslar açarak ihtiyaç duyulan eğitimleri vermektedir.
İsa Aytış
Akademie der OETHG is the pre-eminent VET provider for the event, media, and theatre sectors in Austria. It was founded in 2005 as a subsidiary of the OETHG to teach and exchange sectorial knowledge and experience, providing first-level education, additional qualifications and...
Profile picture for user AK_OETHG.
Larry Busch
The Institute of Child Education and Psychology (ICEP) Europe is an independent education and research institute specialising in flexible, blended and online quality continuing professional development (CPD) and higher education programmes for learners with a professional or p...