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EPALE - Plataforma electrónica de aprendizaje de adultos en Europa

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EPALE and Erasmus+ Publication 2022: "LIFE SKILLS at the focus of adult education"

Profile picture for user EPALE Österreich.
EPALE Österreich

"Life Skills" was the topic discussed by more than 140 participants from over 20 countries at the yearly Austrian EPALE and Erasmus+ Conference, which was held online for the third time. Following the orienting reference framework of "Life Skills", successful approaches of adult education for teaching literacy and numeracy as well as financial, digital, health, civic and environmental competences were presented.

This publication of EPALE Austria is based on the presentations of the conference.

EPALE EN Publication

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Autor del recurso
OeAD [Hrsg.]
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Recursos educativos abiertos
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