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ReFace project introduction

Lucia Komornikova

ReFace project introduction

Regions Facing Shocks: building resilient communities

Why is resilience important?

The recent occurrence of many serious adversities on the international level has raised new doubts about the availability of efficient resources and appropriate knowledge for prompt reaction. Sure, the global pandemic is one of the examples, and we can take a look at our own communities, towns and cities…were they resilient and mature enough to handle the situation? Did they have the knowledge and framework to use?

This and other real life situations prove, that regional resilience is fundamental to ensure the ability to thrive despite adversities and crises. The Erasmus+ project “ReFace – Regions facing shocks: building resilient community” aims to improve regional adaptability and resilience by providing training of the public administration employees and other stakeholders in the area of regional development.

“Resilience is more than just the opposite of being vulnerable. Rather, it is often referred to as the capacity to ‘bounce back better’, which places emphasis on the capacity to learn from past experiences and improve (even transform) institutions and systems.”

Our partnership

Project partners have started the project work in November 2020 and it will be finished in 24 months. The following institutions and organizations are offering their knowledge and expertise:

  • MAS LEV – a local action group (LAG) from Levoca, Slovakia 
  • ASTRAAssociation for Innovation and Development the non-governmental, non-political and voluntary association from Kosice, Slovakia.
  • CESIE – a European Centre for Studies and Initiatives based in Palermo, Italy.
  • ENTRE – an independent expert organization based Kosice, Slovakia.
  • Université Côte d’Azur (UCA)a research-intensive university based in the Côte d’Azur, France.
  • FONDO FORMACION EUSKADI (FFE) – a non-formal VET center located in Trapagaran, Spain.

Project outputs

  • Syllabus for the MOOC “Regions facing shocks: building resilient community”, based on the need analysis from the European Report on Resilient regions which covers all project partners’ countries. The Syllabus includes learning objectives of 4 modules which cover topics chosen according to the recommendations from the Report, assignments and assessments, as well as methods of delivery.
  • MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) “Regions facing shocks: building resilient community”, tailored to public administration and HEIs students in the area of public administration and regional development. Based on the report of current needs in the field of resilient region-building, the modular course offers a proactive, integrated and multidisciplinary approach to regional and community planning as a prevention of societal, economic and environmental risks and for sustainable development. The course focuses on specific fields of risk, conflict, crises and project management, including notions related to migration, resilience and security.
  • The road map “Supporting a Resilient Region – a tool for the Sustainable Communities” is a standalone document, providing advice and tools through a proactive approach to crises. Designed primarily for the public administration, it can be useful for any subject interested in regional development by explaining the steps that regions and communities can take to build and strengthen their resilience. The Roadmap may serve as a tool for self-diagnostic of the level of regional resiliency in targeted regions.


This is the introduction of our project and partnership. We will write more to keep you posted on the project progress and interesting findings.

Have you worked on a similar project in the past? We are excited to hear your experience or best practice. Leave us a comment if interested!




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