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EPALE - Elektronische Plattform für Erwachsenenbildung in Europa


Strategy for Education Development in Serbia 2020

Profile picture for user Uros.
Uros Velickovic

The Strategy deals with determining the purpose, goals, directions, instruments and mechanisms of the development of the education system in the Republic of Serbia until 2020. The mission of the education system in the 21st-century Republic of Serbia is to provide the basic foundation for the life and development of the individual, society and state, based on knowledge. To achieve the goals of education development, specific strategic policies, actions and measures have been identified for each part of the education system, respectively.

Resource Details
Autor der Ressource
Government of the Republic of Serbia
Art der Ressource
Nationale und politische Dokumente
Datum der Veröffentlichung
Sprache des Dokuments
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