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EPALE - Elektronische Plattform für Erwachsenenbildung in Europa


TM4 Eisenach 12/2022

Profile picture for user n00a6a6m.

Objectives for the meeting:
+ Progress Reports WP 1-5
+ Partner Reports for the Project Progress Report for the FR National Agency – Jan 23
+ Agreement of the JBSE Graphic Charter
+ Work in subgroups to finalise the PRE-TEST versions in English of the JBSE Results 1-5 for the start of the Pre-Test
+ Project Management Individual Partner Meetings:
o Administrative Documents
o Financial Management – Partner Financial Report, Timesheets, Meeting Receipts
o Partner Dissemination Reports
+ IQME Individual Partner Meetings with EPN (IQME Coordinator – Eléna BAJRIC)
+ EQME Individual Partner Meetings with External Evaluator (Amélie CATHIER)
+ Arrangements for TM5 Gothenburg, Sweden
+ Reminder of Dates for TM6, TM7 & TM8
+ Agreement of Whole Project Work Objectives & deadlines for work to be completed before TM5

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