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EPALE - Elektronische Plattform für Erwachsenenbildung in Europa

Organisation Details

Ecosistemas Virtuales y Modulares (EVM)


EVM defines itself as an SME with a "spirit of change", which designs and executes its projects from the commitment to provide value and generate impact on the welfare of people, making this premise the basis of their relationships. Since its inception in 2008, EVM did not want to be a company to use. The majority of the work team that began this journey was formed by people with experience in public administration who decided to bet for a change of the public from the private. The figure of the "company" not only allowed a greater degree of flexibility in a context of economic crisis but, more importantly, facilitated the capitalization of knowledge of the team and allocated part of the business benefit to generate real social innovation.

EVM's philosophy is based on a series of principles and values that guide our way of being and doing. We are passionate about delivering results, not reports. Our commitment to the customer and partner goes beyond the CV of each EVM member, assuming ethical standards and human quality in everything we do. Honesty and openness to speak clearly about the issues that concern us with our clients and between us. We seek practicality, but without losing imagination and creativity in the design of our solutions, challenging and pushing our clients to question everything pre-established to obtain results that generate real impact on their organizations and their own clients.

EVM capacities include:

1. Consultancy

  • European Programmes: We cover all the stages that a project may go through, seeking funding for its execution through the European framework programme in force at any given time.
  • Educational Consulting: We accompany institutions in processes of educational renewal and methodological updating. We design and develop educational programs to respond to existing needs, without losing sight of the future. 
  • Communication Consulting: We design and implement our own strategies and methodologies to improve the communication of all types of public and private organizations.
  • Strategic Consulting: We tackle the most complex challenges of organizations and territories by applying cutting-edge strategic foresight techniques and tools.

2. Data 

  • Data Consulting: we are helping institutions to design and develop their strategies to become data-driven organizations.
  • Data Technology: Learn how to get the most out of your data through the use of tools for storage, integration, processing and visualization. 

3. Digital 

  • Digital Academy: Being effective in digital environments requires mastery of a new skill set. Through our training programs you will be able to develop knowledge, mentalities and fundamental skills to continue offering impact and measurable value in this environment.
  • Digital Factory: We design and implement our own strategies and methodologies to improve the communication of all types of public and private organizations.

As the Educational and European projects team, we specifically have extensive experience and expertise in: pedagogical design and innovation, intercultural awareness, agile management of educational projects, entrepreneurship, international relations, diversity and inclusion, marketing and dissemination, adult education and training, emotional intelligence, research, migrant issues, media literacy, environment and sustainability, and much more.

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Organisation Details
Tätigkeitsbereich / Interessen
Forschungseinrichtung oder Think-Tank
Nationale, regionale oder lokale Regierungsorganisation
Auf Lern- oder Berufsberatung spezialisierte Organisation
Auf die Erwachsenenbildung spezialisierte Medienorganisation

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