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EPALE - Elektronische Plattform für Erwachsenenbildung in Europa

Globedu - from policy to practice


Globedu puts policy into practice!

Globedu provides world wide training, development and consultancy services in the field of Vocational Education and Training, Higher Education as well as Adult Education. Globedu specializes in policy development, especially in the areas of Validation of Non-formal and Informal Learning, Life Long Guidance and Quality Assurance in the world of education and employment services.

Globedu has established networks and partners all over Europe. It is small, flexible, but efficient! Globedu operates in several countries and cooperates with different EU organisations, such as Cedefop, EU Commission, EAEA, the European Training Foundation and the NVL - Nordic Network for Adult Learning. 

Organisation Details
Tätigkeitsbereich / Interessen
Forschungseinrichtung oder Think-Tank

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