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EPALE - Elektronische Plattform für Erwachsenenbildung in Europa

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Comparative study of the situation and needs of the CSOs for utilization of IPA funds at the local level


The study provides a comparative overview of situation, needs and policies that influence the use, absorption and programming of IPA funds by the local civil society organisations in Skopje, Bitola, Strumica  and Tetovo. This document was preceded by four analytical reports on capacities of municipalities of BitolaTetovoStrumica and the City of Skopje, including the respective local CSOs, to absorb IPA funds.

The four analytical reports were prepared using a unified methodology for collection and analysis of data.The uniform methodological approach allowed for a comparative analysis of different local contexts and for definition of recommendations for improvement of structural dialogue on local level.

Therefore, this comparative study considers the specific local characteristics and situations and makes recommendations for increased and effective participation of CSOs in EU programmes. The key findings of the study also provide the basis on which bespoke training for local CSOs will be designed, aimed to increase and enhance their capacities.

The study is a part of the Local Consultation Mechanism for IPA 2 Project: National Transition Assistance and Institution Building Programme (TAIB) 2013 - IPA, EuropeAid/138660/ID/ACT/MK

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Autor der Ressource
Marjan Stepanovski, analyst
Art der Ressource
North Macedonia
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