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EPALE - Elektronische Plattform für Erwachsenenbildung in Europa

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EPALE Diskussion: Die Zukunft der Erwachsenenbildung

Profile picture for user EPALE Deutschland.
EPALE Deutschland

Am Mittwoch, dem 8. Juli 2020, lädt EPALE von 10.00 - 16.00 Uhr zu einer Online Diskussion zur Zukunft der Erwachsenenbildung ein. Wir wollen über die Zukunft des Bildungssektors Erwachsenenbildung sowie die neuen Chancen und Herausforderungen diskutieren. Gina Ebner, EPALE-Expertin und Generalsekretärin der EAEA, moderiert die Diskussion.

Online discussion future of adult learning.

Am Mittwoch, dem 8. Juli 2020, lädt EPALE von 10.00 - 16.00 Uhr zu einer Online Diskussion zur Zukunft der Erwachsenenbildung ein.

  • Wie stellen Sie sich die Zukunft des Bildungssektors Erwachsenenbildung in den nächsten fünf oder zehn Jahren vor?
  • Was glauben Sie wird passieren - und was möchten Sie dass es passiert? 
  • Welche neuen Herausforderungen und Chancen werden sich ergeben? 

Wir laden alle Mitglieder der EPALE Community ein, ihre Ideen zur Zukunft der Erwachsenenbildung mit uns zu teilen: ob ambitioniert, vorsichtig, optimistisch oder besorgt.

Teilen Sie Ihre Erfahrungen, Tipps, Fallstudien und gute Praktiken mit der EPALE Community! 

Nehmen Sie teil an der Online Diskussion, die von Gina Ebner, EPALE-Expertin und Generalsekretärin der EAEA, moderiert wird.

Ab dem 29. Juni 2020 können Sie Kommentare posten, um sich kurz vorzustellen, oder falls Sie am Tag der Diskussion verhindert sind. Sie können auf Deutsch oder Englisch mitdiskutieren. 

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Profile picture for user Németh Balázs Bánk.
Balázs Németh
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Di., 30.06.2020 - 16:58

In my understanding, the future of adult Education in Europe will heavily depend on the availability of affordable and accessible educational and training services for adult learners so as to develop their skills, knowledge and, at the same time, collect and share through learning with other active members of their communities either in social or economic perspectives. In order to raise participation in adult learning, we have to work effectively with key stakeholders, to enlarge learning partnerships and learning communities, e.g. learning cities/neoghbourhoods and regions and thereby we may be able to step forward for more inclusion and active citizenship. Inclusion, for this reason, is a flagship issue for GEM Report 2020 and Active and Global Citizenship will be in the focus of UIL's GRALE5. Therefore, the future of adult learning begins with having to signal more attention to understanding, equity, tolerance, inclusion and critical thinking and discourse. The EAEA focus is, in my scope, very important to recognise trends and issues we may be able to relate to and futher discuss.  
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Armando Loureiro
Di., 30.06.2020 - 15:06

Adult education cannot ignore, and does not ignore, the fact that we have an "aging" society. These adults, the elderly are still adults, have particularities that educational programs cannot ignore.
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Profile picture for user imuraskovska.
Ingrida Muraskovska
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Mi., 08.07.2020 - 14:02

I agree with David. The future of adult learning is shaping the path of adult lifelong learning. By varying educational tools and resources, we create certain learning opportunities. Unfortunately, they are not always appreciated and used by adults. By multiplying the training offer, we are constantly pushing for one pedal - to learn, to learn. The bicycle with which a person travels his way of life has two pedals: 1) to learn; 2) to use knowledge in action  to  achieve they goals. We need this person's life perspective to create an attractive educational offer for him. I think that adult education will integrate in the future with other areas: employment, health, culture. These integrated contexts will be better able to respond to the needs of adults.
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I think integration can work well through learning in cities, regions where learning opportunities are tied up to concrete needs and challenges either social, economic or Cultural focused.
Adult Education has to adapt to these realities, however, I think we can only step forward in case basic issues are also put into action and reflection based on common understanding and steps to take accordingly.
We should not forget our experience, effective tools and methods with considerable knowledge stakeholders, decision-makers may forget. We do not have to reinvent the Wheel. We have to integrate, consolidate and mutually develop our communities of learning through practical implications. 
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Profile picture for user Ilze Onzule.
Ilze Onzule
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Mi., 08.07.2020 - 09:00

Adult learning plays a very important role in economic development. Everything in the world is changing rapidly.
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Profile picture for user elvir86.
Elvir Čajić
Di., 30.06.2020 - 13:36

Namely, my country is facing the Covid 19 pandemic now on a much larger scale than at the beginning. However, teachers who work in schools in my canton are strongly opposed to teaching through e-teaching. Due to the impossibility of eudication and the very wide range of computer illiteracy, we are facing the dawn of a new school year and a forced attempt to return to the benches. My opinion as a young colleague of theirs is that this is a very worrying situation. Politicians who live from politics have only one goal to get as many votes as possible because it is their salary and no one cares about an ordinary person now that we have 4 times more infected, various beaches, nightclubs are organized, and teachers do not even have to be educated. The problem of teacher education is especially pronounced in our canton. The question is how to motivate these people ????
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Kees Schuur
Mi., 08.07.2020 - 10:32

Antwort auf von Ilze Onzule

1. Not only in economic development, but also social, technological, environmental, pedagogical development.
2. It is not so much the rapid (/speed) of change, but the (exponential) increasing speed of change, what should worry us and in which learning becomes a different meaning e.g. what is the value of learning for a job, when the content of the job itself, the opportunity to get a specific job, ad/or like now with Corona, to keep the job, is every moment reduced direction zero.
For example:
- Technology/Robots/AI are taking over the work in the production of cars, and in the logistics, marketing, administration, etc. It has been calculated that in the automotive Industry and in the supply industry in Germany 50% of the jobs could be lost in a very short time, caused by Corona, economic crisis, environmental demands. What should these adults (approx 1.300.000 persons) learn....?
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