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New professions and competences in adult education

Adult education is currently undergoing transformation under the influence of global megatrends, which have a huge impact on the situation on market.

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Aleksandra Ścibich-Kopiec
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).


Adult education is currently undergoing a transformation under the influence of global megatrends, which have a huge impact on the situation in the labour market, the needs of employers and people seeking employment and wanting to expand their professional qualifications. These wide-ranging changes are shaping the way adults learn and develop their skills. For this reason, adult educators also need to adapt their approach.

According to the Trend Map[1] 2024 developed by, among the main directions we can mention the world of AI, in which artificial intelligence plays an increasingly important role in all aspects of social, economic and technological life. Another megatrend, also affecting the field of adult education, is the world of social transformations, in which, on the one hand, we find demographic transformations, such as an ageing society or migration, and, on the other, challenges, including digital inequality and anti-science. 

The reality of education at every level is influenced by changes in the labour market, in which digitization and automation are becoming more and more common[2], and employers are more likely to focus their attention on skills than on education. 

New professions in adult education 

Megatrends change not only what adults learn, but also how they learn and, consequently, what professions are created, transformed or grow in importance in the field of adult education. Below, we present examples of particularly useful specialisations in this area. 

Soft skills trainer 

If we look at the most important skills mentioned by employers, we will see that a lot has changed in recent years. Institute for Business Value IBM's report "The Enterprise Guide to Closing the Skills Gap"[3] points out that hard, technical competencies are no longer so desirable. 

Soft skills are related to adapting to changes and flexibility, time management, and teamwork. For this reason, trainers educating people in the field of interpersonal skills are gaining in importance. 

E-learning specialist 

Education using new technologies is used by 54% of enterprises employing at least 10 people[4]. Online learning, as well as its newer form requiring wireless devices (m-learning), is used by numerous users worldwide. It is estimated that by 2030, the value of the market for educational services provided remotely will increase to USD 645 billion. For comparison, in 2021, it was $215 billion[5]. Therefore, we need specialists who deal with implementing and managing e-learning systems in companies and educational centers, but also people specializing in designing online courses. Creating materials for remote training requires, for example, considering a different type of interaction and involvement of course participants and creating a virtual space for asking questions and expressing opinions. 

Educational technology specialist 

This concept is broader than an e-learning specialist's, as it covers the design, implementation and management of educational technologies that support adult learning processes. These may be learning platforms, remote communication tools, content management systems or mobile applications that facilitate access to education and develop skills. 

Professional development consultant 

Megatrends shaping the world we live in require career advisors to adapt their services to the changing needs of employees and employers, including using advanced technological tools, tracking trends in demand for skills and supporting people choosing unconventional career paths. In turn, the spread of remote and hybrid work means that adults can also seek support from advisors in dealing with the challenges of remote work, such as time management, work-life balance or maintaining motivation.


In the era of rapid changes, high competition in the labour market and the growing need for continuous personal and professional development, coaches are becoming more and more sought-after professionals. A coach is a person who helps his client achieve specific goals using his skills, life experience, techniques and tools. The coach's work is based on a partnership and mutual trust.[6] Instead of providing ready-made suggestions, the coach asks questions so that the client finds the answer himself. 

A popular work model is the GROW[7] model, which is based on four pillars: 

● G (goal) – the goal you are aiming for. 

● R (reality) – reality, what you have now. 

● O (option) – options, what you can do with it. 

● W (will) – choice of what you will do. 

Digital skills trainer 

Digital skills trainers help adults develop competencies in using computers, the Internet, programming and understanding new technologies. The digital skills trainer must have technical knowledge, teaching skills, and interpersonal competencies. Their role is to support others in mastering digital skills to function effectively in a digital society.[8]

Cyber threat trainer

In the era of false information, anti-science and widespread attempts to steal data via the Internet, specialists training people in the field of IT security are also gaining importance. Their main task is to provide knowledge and skills related to data protection, preventing cyber-attacks, appropriate responses to situations related to online threats, and the so-called fact-checking, i.e. verifying information available on the Internet. This trainer can conduct training for individuals, companies and institutions, helping them understand threats and effectively protect themselves against them. 

Necessary competences 

Adult education in the world of new technologies, demographic changes and transformations in the labour market requires many skills. Pedagogical competencies are key, such as empathy and tolerance and the ability to build relationships with the client - an adult learner. Educators must also be patient and understanding - especially when the effects of cooperation do not come as quickly as expected[9]. On the one hand, teachers should convey information clearly and, on the other hand, listen and understand the needs of their students. [10] Hence, the above-mentioned communication skills are indispensable when working in the education industry. Introducing new technologies into educational processes, such as e-learning platforms, videoconferencing or instant messaging, also requires the ability to effectively send and receive messages in a virtual environment.

For educators working with adults, counselling skills are particularly important, understood as supporting clients in identifying their goals, solving problems and making career and personal development decisions. In this regard, it is worth considering understanding individual needs, planning and adapting educational materials, and the ability to solve problems and make decisions. 

Knowledge of modern educational technologies and the ability to use them to provide effective and attractive customer experiences is also necessary. Therefore, educators should also... educate themselves to stay updated with trends. Class classes are often not conducted in the form of individual meetings, so it is worthwhile for teachers to be able to work with groups and train the skills of supporting cooperation and cooperation of participants and resolving conflicts. In the context of diversity, educators should be able to adapt to the different values, beliefs and communication styles of clients from different cultural backgrounds. 

Tools useful in contemporary adult education 

Modern adult educator tools, such as online courses, podcasts, virtual reality, digital libraries and content personalization algorithms, are revolutionizing the learning process. 

Online courses 

Online courses are the domain of the previously mentioned e-learning specialists. They offer time and thematic flexibility - adults can choose courses according to their interests and professional goals. An individual learning pace allows you to learn the material more effectively. Additionally, taking online courses eliminates the need to travel and the associated costs, making them more accessible to adult learners. 


One of the modern forms of conducting training is a podcast.[11] Audio lectures have the advantage that they are much easier to implement than video training, and at the same time, they are very accessible to people who want to expand their horizons and gain additional knowledge. Additionally, listening to podcasts develops the ability to listen with understanding, which is a key element of learning. Teachers can deliver various educational content through podcasts, including additional materials, interviews with experts, hands-on exercises, and much more. The flexibility of the format allows educators to experiment with different teaching methods and deliver content in a way that best suits the needs and preferences of their students. 

Virtual reality 

Virtual reality (VR) technology allows you to experience and interact with a three-dimensional, computer-generated environment using special devices. [12]This solution allows you to conduct practical training in controlled conditions, which is extremely useful in adult education, and the use of this technology will prove useful in many industries. Programs can be adapted to various levels of advancement and individual learning styles, which increases the efficiency of the process. VR allows you to simulate real-life situations that may be difficult to recreate in a traditional learning environment. For example, training on dealing with stressful situations in the workplace, business negotiations, or project management can be more realistic and effective in a virtual environment. 

Digital libraries 

Digital libraries are online platforms or systems that provide access to various educational resources, such as e-books, research articles, online courses, and other educational materials.[13] Thanks to them, users can browse, download and use these resources anywhere and anytime using a computer, tablet or smartphone. Digital libraries provide flexibility, personalization and interactive tools to enable effective learning for adults. Additionally, they allow you to easily update and share the latest information, making them an extremely important tool in today's digital learning environment. 

Algorithms that personalize the level of difficulty and content 

Using content selection algorithms in teaching adults allows you to personalize learning, save time, increase learning motivation, improve learning efficiency and monitor progress. Thanks to this, students can achieve their educational goals faster by adapting materials to their individual needs and preferences. Content curation algorithms can use machine learning techniques to tailor materials to a specific person's learning preferences. For example, some people absorb information better through visuals, while others prefer text. Thanks to algorithms, the type of materials can be matched to the learner's preferences, increasing learning effectiveness. [14]

Professional development of educators 

Professional development and retraining of adult educators have a major impact on the quality of education. They are particularly important in a rapidly changing world, where professions are constantly disappearing to give way to new ones. Educators who constantly expand their skills, follow the latest trends and use modern teaching methods can provide more attractive, effective and tailored courses and training programs. Retraining educators may include training programs, specialized courses or acquiring new qualifications, obtaining certificates or diplomas in new fields, and developing skills in areas such as modern educational technologies or career counseling. 

Among the training programs worth paying attention to are topics such as new teaching methods, educational technologies, career counselling, psychology of learning, and group management. In contrast, specialized courses focus on specific professional or educational areas and allow educators to deepen their knowledge and skills in these areas. These may be courses related to professional specialization (e.g. teaching foreign languages, negotiation techniques, project management), as well as courses in the field of modern educational technologies or adult development psychology. 

Participation in conferences, workshops, seminars, discussion groups, and professional communities can also support the development of adult educators. This allows educators to exchange experiences, learn new work methods, and build networks of contacts. 

Investing in the professional development and retraining of adult educators should be a priority for educational institutions, training organizations and employees themselves because it contributes to increasing the overall development potential of society and its ability to cope with the dynamic changes that are taking place in today's world. 

Professional development of adult educators 

The two basic ways adult educators acquire knowledge are formal and informal education. The first includes the mentioned programs or courses, and the second, in turn, results from experiences and social interactions. Depending on the path chosen, educators may specialize in, for example: 

● career counselling, which requires constant updating of knowledge about the labour market as well as the available educational offer to effectively plan development paths together with clients,

● teaching and training, i.e. focusing on developing specific skills - both hard and soft, 

● personal development, which includes, among others, psychological issues, work-life balance, and occupational therapy. 

The need to stay up-to-date

Adaptation to the changing needs of the labour market is a key element of effective educational programs and courses. Changing professional trends, technological progress, and socio-economic development require constant adaptation of the educational offer to the current needs of the labour market. Therefore, there is a need to update program content and develop new courses in line with The need to stay current. Adaptation to the changing needs of the labour market is a key element of effective educational programs and courses. Changing professional trends, technological progress, and socio-economic development require constant adaptation of the educational offer to the current needs of the labour market. 

Therefore, program content needs to be updated and new courses developed in line with employers' and communities' expectations. In this respect, it is worth cooperating with active entrepreneurs who report specific needs regarding their employees' skills. Courses can be easily adapted to educate participants in the areas currently most in demand in the labour market.


The article was prepared within the project „Learning Outcomes in Adult Education” (number 2022-2-PL01-KA210-ADU-000094502). Thanks to our Partner IMPUSI from Skopje, Macedonia, our international team developed materials on the Interpersonal skills of trainer or educator. Soon the link to the materials will be published on our web pages and

All results developed within the framework of this project are made available under open licenses (CC BY-SA 4.0 DEED). They can be used free of charge and without restrictions. Copying or processing these materials in whole or in part without the author’s permission is prohibited. If the results are used, mentioning the funding source and its authors is necessary.

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