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Paula Duarte: Mind, Body & Soul

Organising workshops, courses, and group dynamics, in a personal and/or professional context. Paula is dedicated to promoting integrated well-being.

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Paula Duarte

Short bio

My name is Paula Duarte, and I was born in Lisbon. I have a degree in Public Relations and Advertising, a course I took to challenge myself and work in the field of advertising, which I never did because I fell in love with Public Relations. I've worked for 23 years in a Municipality in the areas of Youth, Tourism, Education, and Environment. Currently, I am a certified coach and trainer in human development and wellness.

My story

I've been overweight for almost all my adult life, and that was very damaging to my self-esteem. This happened because I could not speak my mind and used food as an excuse for everything. After many years of frustration, in 2019, through a challenging process of food reeducation, I completely changed my mindset, losing 27 kg in less than a year. This led to the creation of my business, which was a callous process... It's not easy to build credibility in a completely different area.

In 2020 I did the Practitioner and Master in PNL & Coaching to be a better professional and help people that started looking for me based on my weight loss process. For 2 years, I worked with women who wanted to lose weight, and then realized that I wanted to do more than that!

So, I decided to do more training in coaching and creative tools for human development and became a certified trainer.

Now I organize workshops, courses, and group dynamics, in a personal and/or professional context. I am dedicated to promoting integrated well-being: Mind, Body & Soul.

MIND - The program Transform yourself!

I created this program based on my experience and challenges during the process of weight loss. I decided to invite 3 experts in high performance, including chi kung, an image consulting, to join me to value and complement the experience. Transform yourself! is an online plan lasting 4 months, created to support behavior change and adopting a balanced lifestyle. Guidance in food reeducation & mindset change, task management & productivity, exercise & relaxation, and image consulting.

BODY - Hands in the dough! (Mãos na Massa!) | group dynamics

A project that includes preparing balanced meals in a personalized and fun way. It was created thinking about the quality of life of kids and adults and is based on sharing moments of love and a balanced diet full of flavor.

SOUL - Glow: Purpose, Essence & Happiness

These are workshops and Training in human development and well-being, and coaching and mentoring with creative tools for personal development (Points of You®) with the coordination Wellness by Mulheres à Obra®.

A collaborative project in health and well-being to create an integrated response to the needs of its customers through:

  • Developing a calendar of innovative and sustainable wellness initiatives
  • The creation of diversified packages of pre-defined and easily accessible services
  • Creating customized solutions for each client
  • Conducting awareness-raising actions for well-being at work and social/environmental responsibility.

We work with Entrepreneurs, Coworks (Business Centers), Universities, and Businesses. Well, I love learning and developing my skills, and I hope to be able to pass that passion on to others.

My motto

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