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EPALE - Elektronska platforma za obrazovanje odraslih

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Dear EPALE colleagues,

From October until December EPALE will have a thematic focus on adult learning at the workplace. During this time, EPALE’s national teams and the community will publish a number of inspiring case studies, articles, reports and other resources on the topic. Visit our thematic page Workplace learning to find them (content varies based on your language preference). Don’t forget to visit EPALE regularly for new content!

Have you been involved in a successful project that aimed to improve or introduce innovation in workplace learning? Perhaps you know of an initiative aiming to train mentors and employers to provide workplace learning? Share your successful project between 11-13 November on this page and help to inspire the adult learning community across Europe! 

All the stories shared here will be included in our monthly newsletter.


Tell us what you think

We value the feedback we receive from the EPALE community. We would appreciate it if you could take a few minutes to complete our annual user survey and help us to improve!

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Latest blog posts

Using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs to engage young adults furthest from the labour market (EN)

Owner and director of ConnectMore Solutions, Richard Hazledine, shared with EPALE how the YaS project helped young adults who are far from the labour market to find employment.

The tradition of adult education in Europe: Denmark, Germany, Ireland (EN)

In a series of three interviews, Aizhana Khasanova delved into the history of non-formal adult education in Denmark, Ireland and Germany to unveil what role it plays in these countries.

Summary of the online discussion on vulnerable learners (EN)

Gina Ebner reflected on the EPALE online discussion on how adult learning can be used for social inclusion of vulnerable adults. 


News from around Europe

A lot happened in October in the adult learning sector across Europe:


Make the most of EPALE by logging into your account. This will allow you to rate and comment on content, and it will give you access to our full range of features.