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EPALE - Avrupa'da Yetişkin Öğrenimi Elektronik Platformu

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Thoughts on Higher Education System in Turkey

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Gonca Telli

The tendencies towards the information age in the world lead to changes in higher education institutions. It is
not possible for the university institutions not to be affected from these technological changes in the world. These
institutions have been searching for different solutions. It is a real problem for higher education institutions if they
continue using the traditional education styles and not to present the expected values. These institutions should
prepare individuals for future changes or to adapt their research potential to these developments. This paper discusses
a conceptual map of the existing system in Turkey. Turkish Higher Education Institutions should purify from the inertia
in its higher education system. There should more new studies to become the center of attraction that can affect young
people. Higher Education Institutions should also be directed to programs and practices that develop the imagination
and ideas. Online technologies surround individuals at every subject. It is also mentioned that the e-learning has this
potential. MOOCS can be given as an important example. E-learning can provide both productivity and efficiency
and bring capacity for higher education. Some of the wrong applications which causes some problems on e-learning
applications has been also discussed.

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Kaynak yazar
Gonca Telli Yamamoto
Kaynağın türü
Ulus ve politika
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