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EPALE - Elektronisk plattform för vuxnas lärande i Europa


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Organisationer som letar efter samarbetspartners i mitt land

Ackrediterade Erasmus+ koordinatorer som söker efter nya konsortium-medlemmar


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Applied Filters

Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
We are a foundation from Warsaw running many artistic and developmental workshops. We are the market leader in theatre, singing and writing workshops. Our mission is to train, educate and develop artistic skills of young adults. We are also experts in marketing, website creation and dissemination. If you have a project related to art, culture, community develompent, give us a message! Let us make a difference together :)
Börjar med
Michaela Kucharska
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
|Publicerad den 6 dagar sedan
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
Looking for Partners in cooperation projects between organizations and institutions (KA2)
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Noelia Riobo
|Publicerad den 1 vecka sedan
Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)

As Akhisar District Directorate of National Education, we would like to participate in an Erasmus+ project in which a European country is the coordinato

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Gamze Türedi
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).
|Publicerad den 2 veckor sedan
Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)
Swan Training Institute Dublin is looking for international educational partners.
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Profile picture for user n00ejiqe.
Dermot McSharry
|Publicerad den 3 veckor sedan
Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)
Giving the opportunity for language teachers to learn new forms of teaching (PDL-method) that increase learners motivation.
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Profile picture for user Resonanz.
Lara Vincent
|Publicerad den 3 veckor sedan