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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за образовање одраслих у Европи


Generations and Intergenerational Learning

Profile picture for user ncelikca.
Caglar CELIK

This chapter critically examines the concept of generations and the dynamics of intergenerational learning. It challenges the traditional definition of a generation as a span of twenty to thirty years, arguing that this view is outdated due to rapid societal changes and the trend of delayed parenthood. The chapter proposes a broader understanding of a generation as a collective of individuals who share similar life experiences and societal events. It further explores the unique characteristics, value judgments, attitudes, strengths, and weaknesses of each generation, cautioning against overgeneralization. The chapter also delves into the concept of intergenerational learning, emphasizing its continuous, multifaceted, and lifelong nature, and its occurrence in both formal and informal settings. It concludes by highlighting the significant influence that generational personas can have on societal structures and dynamics.

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