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EPALE - Platforma Elektronike për të Nxënit e të Rriturve në Evropë



The NGO has launched the participation in Erasmus+ projects

Martina Kamenská

Our NGO was founded in 2019 as a small family organization. Today, we have more than 14 employees who, thanks to support from EU funds can participate in Erasmus+ projects from 2021. The very first Erasmus+ project, we participated in, was the project 2021-2-SK01-KA122-ADU-000041740. The mail goals of our project was to increase the quality of education and learning of adults in Europe, to expand and diversify the offer of adult education in the field of the business environment and to support for the development of networks of experts on a European scale.

During the project we could visit to Erasmus+ courses in Spain and Italy. The courses are called The power of Game-Based Learning and Gamification in education and Efficient & Effective Project Management for EU-funded Projects. Thanks to the courses we can understand the difference between Games-Based Learning and Gamification, and we got to know the best Games Based Learning and Gamification apps and tools. We also could gain deep knowledge about reporting on EC (European Commission) projects, to understand the responsibilities regarding the visibility and communication/dissemination of EC-funded projects etc. The third aspect of our mobilities are new contacts and cooperations with other foreign organizations we have acquired.

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Ejvis Gishti

Lundrimi i Inteligjencës Artificiale në Shoqërinë Bashkëkohore

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