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What happened in CABS?

CABS: How creativity eased us past COVID!

Profile picture for user hsajons.
Helene Sajons

When an Erasmus+ partnership begins, all partners are excited and can´t expect meeting their colleagues and starting to share good practice and developing ideas! For "Creativity and Arts: Bridges to Solidarity" (CABS) we all felt that excitement in November 2019 when we meet for the first time in Olching/Germany.

And then, unexpectedly and insidiously, a malignant disease appeared and threw our life off balance: COVID-19 was rapidly spreading! It soon impinged massively our daily life and paralysed the whole world. Confinement, illness, solitude, fears: everyone hold his breath waiting for the end of the pandemic! But two years later the shadow of the virus is still wandering around!

Once the first shock had worn off, all partners got down to work to continue CABS, delved into topics they had selected, regularly exchanging resources and meeting online. Did the confinement stimulate their creativity? Probably!

A striking number of resources, online activities and information was brought together and uploaded on CABS project website:

Resources for everyone who enjoy teaching with the help of visual supports are now available.

We invite you to have a look here: . You will find there a collection of teaching resources on the following topics:

- Warm up activities: to involve all learners

- European Identity: presents a number of personalities has played a decisive role in the construction of Europe

- Cultural Heritage in Europe: divided in

  a) European Cuisine Culture      b) Partners´ Regions       c) Musical Heritage

- Evolution of Arts: divided in

  a) Through the Centuries           b) Teachers´- Learners´ Activities

- Individual Reminiscences with

  a) a Collection of Individual Reminiscences - Impressions of the Past      b) COVID19 - Impact on Teachers and Learners

- Various Resources: A patchwork of resources destinated to all as inspiration for courses, workshops and seminars.

Creativity definitively helped us a lot to surmount all difficulties and sorrows that the pandemic caused.

Hélène Sajons - vhs Olching

Note: All resources and results are licenced under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License - Transfer to a third party under the same conditions. (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) . They are at free disposal for all interested persons.

These resources were created in the course of the Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership "Culture and Arts: Bridges to Solidarity" (CABS). The project was funded with support from the European Commission under project number: 2019-1-DE02-KA104-005743. The content reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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