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EPALE - Platforma Elektronike për të Nxënit e të Rriturve në Evropë


Creating a Culture-Based Language Learning Course for Developing Adult Learners’ 21st Century Skills

Profile picture for user nkobylan.

The current research has been conducted within the framework of the Erasmus+ project “Cultural knowledge and language competences as a means to develop 21st century skills” conducted in six EU countries Croatia, Latvia, Slovenia, Romania, Poland, and the Czech Republic (Project No.2018-1-HR-01-KA204-047430; 2018-2020). The aim of the project is to develop adult learners’ relevant 21st-century skills (problem-solving, communication, collaboration, creativity, innovation, initiative, digital skills, etc.), language and intercultural competences and foster learners’ knowledge of the rich European cultural heritage and its values by applying innovative learning approaches and materials consequently increasing learners’ education level and bringing them closer to their cultural heritage, history, and the common European values, enhancing their overall development and employability. The target audience is adult learners, including those with certain barriers to learning (geographic, economic, cultural, social, educational).

The current paper deals with the analysis of the first stage of the research – teachers’ feedback and course creation. The second stage comprising observation and feedback obtained during the course piloting eliciting learners’ and teachers’ data will be analyzed in a later article.

The research findings are useful in selecting suitable methodologies and approaches for language learning courses for adult learners, possibly for other courses as well.

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