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EPALE - Platforma Elektronike për të Nxënit e të Rriturve në Evropë

Event Details

27 Maj


Profile picture for user Maksima Training Center Split Croatia.
Maša Reić

Preventing bullying in schools course is aimed at teachers of various subjects at all levels and other school staff.

One of the challenges for teachers nowadays is dealing with abuse and conflicts that can severely affect their students. It is important for teachers to recognize the early signs of bullying and to intervene in a suitable way. Bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and has a negative impact on the learning environment. Students should be encouraged to look at problems from multiple perspectives and approach differences among themselves with empathy.

Event Details
As planned
Lloji i ngjarjes
Podujatie z oblasti odborného rozvoja
Faqja e internetit e ngjarjeve
Projekti i BE-së nr.
Typ organizátora
Iné podujatie
Organiser name
Detajet e kontaktit
Grupi i synuar
Pracovníci z akademickej sféry, študenti, výskumní pracovníci v oblasti andragogiky
Qëllimet dhe objektivat
Find out about different types of bullying, abuse and conflict in the classroom. Learn how to create a positive and safe classroom environment. Learn new methods and tactics required in dealing with bullying, cyberbullying and conflict. Find out how to increase awareness and prevention
Recognition / certification of participation
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Diskutimet më të fundit

Profile picture for user NSS Albania.
Ejvis Gishti

Lundrimi i Inteligjencës Artificiale në Shoqërinë Bashkëkohore

Bashkohuni me ne ndërsa reflektojmë dhe diskutojmë rolin e Inteligjencës Artificiale në shoqërinë bashkëkohore dhe mjetet e mundshme për të mësuar ta përdorin atë në mënyrën më të mirë të saj.
