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Podcast series: Erasmus+ Revealed

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Erasmus+ Revealed is an eight-part podcast series in English focusing on different and lesser-known aspects of the Erasmus+ program. The series addresses frequently asked questions, shares valuable tips and tricks, and showcases the numerous opportunities Erasmus+ provides for personal and professional growth. Furthermore, the podcast celebrates Erasmus+ commitment to inclusivity and diversity

This unique podcast series is an essential guide for anyone looking to understand the full benefits of Erasmus+. Whether you're a student, educator, or organization involved in education, Erasmus+ Revealed will help you navigate the program effectively.


Check out this link to find about the latest episodes and topics. Discover how the EU's most popular program can significantly impact your educational and career journey!

4. Erasmus+: tips and resources for organisations

In the fourth episode of Erasmus+ revealed, we explore the incredible learning opportunities the programme offers to organizations. Our guest, Pierre Gillet, a social worker and adult learning professional from Belgium, shares how his organization has benefited from Erasmus+.

Pierre provides valuable insights and tips for other organizations across Europe. Erasmus+ is not just for university students; it opens doors for countless educational organizations, facilitating mobility, idea exchanges, and deeper cooperation that transform educational systems and shape public policy. Tune in to discover how your organization can grow with Erasmus+ and join Pierre as he explains how to maximize the programme's benefits both professionally and personally.

3. Erasmus+ for schools - connecting through the classroom

In this episode Petar Nikolić, a geography teacher and advisor from Croatia and an eTwinning ambassador, shares his insights on how Erasmus+ transforms school education.

2. You learn, you give back: an Erasmus+ story

In this episode, we explore the unique Erasmus+ experience with Kristiana Stoyanova, a trainer and consultant in sustainability and women’s empowerment. We uncover how Erasmus+ caters to a wide range of individuals, leaving a lasting impact on millions of lives in Europe and beyond. Discover the programme's impressive benefits, highlighting personal and professional development, cultural understanding, networking, and employability. Throughout the discussion, we explore language requirements and competency expectations for participants to adapt to new environments and embrace cultural diversity. We will also highlight how Erasmus+ builds lifelong connections with people from varied backgrounds, creating a global network for future opportunities. With its broad menu of options and focus on inclusivity, diversity, and extending opportunities to all, Erasmus+ is designed for everyone.

1. Your journey towards learning and growth

In this opening episode, we welcome Pia Ahrenkilde Hansen, Director General for Education, Youth, Sport, and Culture, to introduce Erasmus+. The episode provides a brief history and background of the programme, outlining its main objectives and showcasing key elements on participation and scope. Listeners will gain insights into each action type and their significance. We will also explore the diverse opportunities Erasmus+ offers, with a special focus on underrepresented sectors. Join us to discover how Erasmus+ can be the gateway to lifelong learning and growth.

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