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EPALE - Spletna platforma za učenje odraslih v Evropi


Erasmus+ Programme EPALE Promotional Activities in Bosnia and Herzegovina

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Daria Mršić

Initiated by the Agency for Pre-primary, Primary and Secondary Education, within which the EPALE National Support Service operates in Bosnia and Herzegovina, promotional activities of the Erasmus+ programme EPALE were held. Two promotional meetings with stakeholders were held during the fourth month of the current calendar year. The main goal of the meetings was to promote the EPALE platform as a resource of vital importance for the exchange of knowledge and best practices in the field of adult education. Meetings were chaired by EPALE national ambassadors in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

On April 8, 2024, the first meeting was held with the representatives of the WMTA Institution for Vocational Adult Education in Banja Luka. The meeting was opened by the national EPALE ambassador Marina Novković, who presented the key features of the platform emphasizing its role in connecting the professionals in the adult learning field across Europe. Representatives of the WMTA Adult Vocational Education Institution presented their perspectives and needs regarding adult education, highlighting the challenges they face and looking for opportunities for cooperation. The EPALE ambassador presented examples of good practice that were available on the platform, while representatives of the WMTA Institution for Vocational Education of Adults presented their plans for future projects and initiatives. 

On April 12, 2024, at the amphitheatre of the Business Engineering and Management University (PIM) with its seat in Banja Luka, the second promotional activity and presentation of the Erasmus+ programme EPALE was held. The presentation was held by the national EPALE ambassador Ivana Aleksić, who presented the project to the staff and students of PIM University. Due to the great interest, a number of students attended this promotional activity via the MS Teams online platform. The presentation turned into a productive discussion on the importance of the existence of the EPALE platform itself. The attendees emphasized that it became clear that acquiring formal education is not and cannot be the end of learning, reskilling and/or upskilling for an individual. Also, the current EPALE initiative "EPALE Community Stories 2024" that was presented during the meeting received a positive reaction by the University’s staff.

Both meetings ended on a positive note, with mutual optimism and motivation for further cooperation in order to improve adult education and lifelong learning in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as creating a sustainable and inclusive educational environment for all adult learners.

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