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EPALE - Spletna platforma za učenje odraslih v Evropi

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Entrepreneurship in Education - Background paper

Following a drive to include more emphasis on entrepreneurship in education, the European Commission, OECD and LEED collaborated to release a 2015 paper directed at education practitioners that considers the importance of entrepreneurial skills teaching and draws on research into the topic. The paper discusses the ‘what’, ‘why’, ‘when’ and ‘how’ of entrepreneurial education and considers different understandings of the term ‘entrepreneur’: a person looking to start their own business; and a person who is building more creative and innovative business skills.

Entrepreneurship written over image of a man on a laptop.

The resource helps teachers to understand what is expected from entrepreneurship teaching and explores related terminology. It discusses aspects of the teaching process, including ways to assess student progress effectively and support the value creation process. Information is presented in a clear format and includes useful infographics, graphs and imagery.


Although published in 2015, the information in the paper is just as relevant today and provides teachers and practitioners with rich and highly valuable information. The resource will be of use to anyone working in education, but is likely to be particularly useful to those working in further education colleges and universities.

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Avtor vira
Martin Lackeus
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Študije in poročila
United Kingdom
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