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EPALE - Elektronická platforma vzdelávania dospelých v Európe

15 júl

Teaching Human Rights in the Classroom: Course in Lisbon

Portugal,  Lisbon
Profile picture for user n002lor2.
Fundação Cidade de Lisboa
Community Hero (Gold Member).

In an ever-evolving global landscape, the role of educators transcends traditional boundaries. It's
necessary to educate for critical reflection on reality, foster curiosity and empathy with global issues
and mobilise for action in favour of social justice.
In this training, we will approach Human Rights, Sustainable Development, Environmental and
Health Education and Interculturality, from the perspective of key concepts, but also activities and
resources that can be used in the classroom to cultivate a learning environment that shapes future
generations into conscious global citizens.
Teachers, educators, social workers, among other professionals of education, will develop their
skills on promoting awareness-raising and mobilisation activities tailored to the learners, identifying
appropriate and appealing teaching resources, and fostering the development of critical thinking in

Event Details
As planned
Typ organizátora
Iné podujatie
Hybrid event
Entrance fee
Registration capacity
Cieľová skupina
Pracovníci z akademickej sféry, študenti, výskumní pracovníci v oblasti andragogiky
Siete a organizácie zamerané na vzdelávanie dospelých
Projekty a partnerstvá
Tvorcovia politiky
Mediálni odborníci
Uznanie / certifikácia účasti alebo výsledkov vzdelávania
Poplatok za účasť
Courses LCF 2024 and 2025.
Courses FCL 2024 and 2025.

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