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EPALE - Elektronická platforma vzdelávania dospelých v Európe


Nordic Perspective Series: Creativity and culture for social cohesion

The Nordic EPALE teams have gathered content focusing on creativity and culture for social cohesion in the Nordic countries.

Ida Pedersen


The Nordic Perspective Series is a quarterly collection of articles, information and good practices from the Nordic countries on the thematic focuses of the EPALE platform. The series is co-created by the EPALE Nordic NSSs of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. This article focuses on creativity and culture for promoting social cohesion.

How can adult learning play a strategic role in imagining and building a future that is sustainable, inclusive and beautiful?  The New European Bauhaus can be used as a compass to develop “places, practices, and experiences that are enriching, sustainable and inclusive” thus contributing to shaping more resilient communities. Encouraging a dialogue across cultures and supporting individual empowerment and democratic consciousness in adult learners, cultural education is a major driver and enabler of social cohesion.

What creative tools and methodologies for social cohesion are you experiencing? What is happening in cultural spaces and emerging creative ecosystems? How is creativity in ALE connecting people to spread beauty and sense of belonging? How can we effectively shape inclusive and human-centered societies through lifelong learning?

Creativity and culture for social cohesion are one of the thematic focuses for 2022 on EPALE. In the Nordic region, a unique co-operation across national borders exists in many different fields. The National Support Services in the Nordic countries have gathered blog posts focusing on creativity and culture for social cohesion.

Find out more about culture and creativity in promoting social cohesion in the Nordic countries by reading the country-specific descriptions of the theme and by clicking on the links and content in each country’s section.

Young adults creating together

Denmark: Cultural institutions and cultural associations outside the big cities create social cohesion

Cultural offers are crucial for everyone because culture strengthens the democratic dialogue and increases cohesion. Read the article here. The article is available in Danish and English.

Finland: Drama crossing dialect barriers and novices recruited to a wind orchestra 

Adult education centres' cultural project cooperation crosses municipal boundaries, national borders and dialect barriers to build up social capital. Read the article here. The article is available in Finnish, Swedish and English. 

Iceland: COMMON GOOD - Dialogue on Community Art

The event series COMMON GOOD - Dialogue on Community Art focuses on increasing the participation and visibility of the marginalized in Icelandic art. Read the article here. The article is available in Icelandic and English. 

Sweden: Digital Pedagogy at museums for increased learning and active participation

How can digital tools at museums encourage lifelong learning and active participation? Read the article here. The article is available in Swedish, Montenegrin and English. 


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