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EPALE - Elektronická platforma vzdelávania dospelých v Európe

Resource Details


Teaching English Through Art

A teaching resource for teachers of English based on two paintings. The resource contains two lesson plans for young learners and teenagers and is based on the 2019 Erasmus+ Teacher Training Course 'Drama in Education & Professional Acting Technique for Educators' in Florence led by the New York based trainers Marisol and José Angel Santana. 

The lesson plans provide a demonstration on how to use art ceartively integrating the toolboxes of drama in education and acting.

Resource Details
Autor zdroja
Jodie Whitehurst, Gabriella Baka, Zsuzsanna Nehéz-Posony, Sanna Sova, Anita Gaál-Szabó
Typ zdroja
Otvorené vzdelávacie zdroje
Dátum publikácie
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