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EPALE - Elektronická platforma vzdelávania dospelých v Európe

Resource Details


Learning technology review of English, maths, English for speakers of other languages and English language training

Profile picture for user Jodie.
Jodie Crossley

A review of the existing evidence on the value of technology to adult basic skills provision.

This review is to develop a sound understanding of:

  • the existing evidence on the value of technology to the adult basic skills provision
  • the potential target populations within the adult learner community, including an understanding of their current access to and use of technology

To meet these aims, 2 strands of research and analysis were undertaken, these were:

  • a systematic review of research
  • a data review on the key populations of interest
Resource Details
Autor zdroja
Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS)
Typ zdroja
Štúdie a správy
United Kingdom
Dátum publikácie
Jazyk dokumentu
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