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EPALE - Elektronická platforma vzdelávania dospelých v Európe


EPALE Publication 2019: Citizenship Education in Austria and Europe: Objectives, methods and future prospects

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EPALE Österreich

Adult education plays a key role in imparting knowledge about democracy, politics, political processes and social structures, particularly important in times of economic and social change. It should empower people so that they are in a position to exercise their rights and help shape the way in which society progresses.

What is citizenship education? How and where does it take place? What are thematic key aspects, approaches, methods? How should we structure courses for citizenship education and how can the education of democracy be implemented for adults?

These were the central questions of the fifth EPALE conference ‘Citizenship Education in Austria and Europe: objectives, methods and future prospects’ held on 13 June 2019, jointly organised by EPALE and Erasmus+ Adult Education.

This publication covers the various contributions made at the conference, and is available in German as well. 

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EPALE Österreich
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Otvorené vzdelávacie zdroje
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