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EPALE - Elektronická platforma vzdelávania dospelých v Európe

Event Details

27 nov

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders – Introduction and Interventions

Profile picture for user Shipcon.
Erika Zulkute

This course introduces Autism Spectrum Disorders and gives participants a greater understanding to identify Autism characteristics, whether in an Education setting or in the home.

Participants will learn about the specific characteristics of a person with Autism and have the opportunity to understand the unique way in which they experience the world, focusing on the core Autism difficulties in Social Interaction, Communication, Imagination, together with sensory and environmental difficulties.

Understanding Autism Spectrum Disorders – Introduction and Interventions masterclass course combines theory with good practice, and is a ‘first level’ introduction to Autism aiming to provide understanding and strategies suitable for supporting children and young people in a variety of settings.

Participants will have the opportunity to develop some practical and positive solutions to behaviours resulting from Autism led anxiety, risk assessment, and management of environments to assist Educational Inclusion.

The course is recommended for Head Teachers, Teachers and Parents, either already associated with children and young people diagnosed with ASD, or those who wish to know more in order to develop awareness of Autism, as ‘first point of contact’ in an Education or Home setting.

Event Details
As planned
Typ udalosti
Podujatie z oblasti odborného rozvoja
Webová lokalita podujatia
Typ organizátora
Iné podujatie
Organiser name
ShipCon Limassol Ltd
Kontaktné údaje
Cieľová skupina
Siete a organizácie zamerané na vzdelávanie dospelých
Projekty a partnerstvá
Zámery a ciele
1. Understanding of Autism and seeing the world from the point of view of the Autistic Individual
2. Identify the key characteristics associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
3. Learn to identify the causes behind behaviours
4. Understand and Manage Behavioural risk assessment
5. Learn positive and practical strategies for intervention and opportunities for inclusion
Očakávané výsledky vzdelávania
1. Understand Autism and be able to comprehend the world from the point of view of the Autistic Individual
2. Identify the key characteristics associated with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
3. Learn to identify the causes behind behaviours
4. Understand and Manage Behavioural risk assessment
5. Learn positive and practical strategies for intervention and opportunities for inclusion
Uznanie / certifikácia účasti alebo výsledkov vzdelávania
1. Certificate of attendance & certificate of competence (skills & competences required – Europass CV)
2. Europass mobility certificates – to be issued by the applicant’s National Authority (NA)
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Posledná diskusia

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Peter Maľa

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Profile picture for user PeterMa.
Peter Maľa

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Peter Maľa

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